
Benefits of Membership

  • The Beau Monde’s Online Discussion Forum, a community of writers who understand your historical details
  • Participation in the annual Beau Monde Writers’ Retreat and Soirée at a reduced rate
  • Interact with the other Beau Monde members and lovers of the Regency Era on social media: Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Twitter, Pinterest
  • Participation in Regency Academe classes at reduced rates
  • Access to the online version the Regency Realm, a compendium of Regency Research Resources (member-only page specific password required)
  • The monthly On Dits newsletter and TBM Quick Reference Guide
  • and much, much more!

Terms of Annual Membership

Membership is valid for one year.

New Members

As of October 1, 2020, any writer of Regency-set fiction, who are over 18 years old, may join Regency Fiction Writers, Inc. for a special introductory one-year membership fee of $25 US, regardless of country.

Writers must join before 11:59 pm (EDT) December 31, 2020 in order to receive this special membership fee. The member’s renewal date for Regency Fiction Writers, Inc. will be one year from the date the membership fee is paid and the renewal rate will be $50 USD, regardless of country.

As of January 1, 2021, new Regency Fiction Writers, Inc. members will pay $50 USD for a one-year membership plus a $15 USD application fee, for an initial cost of $65 USD, regardless of country.

Renewing Members

Renewal notices will be sent to the member’s account email address of record with instructions at least 30 days prior to the membership expiration date.

During their renewal period, all members in good standing of Regency Fiction Writers, Inc. may renew their one-year membership at the rate of $50 USD, regardless of country.

Lapsed Members

For lapsed members (31 days past renewal date), your annual membership may be restarted from date of payment at the rate of $50 USD for the one-year membership plus a $15 USD late fee.

Contact our Membership Director at membership (at) thebeaumonde (dot) com if you have any questions or concerns.

How to Join

It’s easy! Begin the membership registration process here. It’s that simple! There is an option below to pay by check as well. Renewal notices will be sent out as your expiration date approaches.

Already a member? Click here to log in and manage your account.


If you have any questions, please email membership (at) thebeaumonde (dot) com.

About Regency Fiction Writers, Inc.

Regency Fiction Writers, Inc. (RFW) is a non-profit corporation founded in 2020 to encourage mutual support among writers of Regency fiction and does business as The Beau Monde. For more information contact:

Regency Fiction Writers, Inc.
Email: president (at) thebeaumonde (dot) com.